LLC Approved and Established! And…

Great news!  The State of CT has already approved my business filing, What2do.Live, LLC is now incorporated in the state!

With that news, I have an additional announcement!!

While What2do.Live will end up being the larger organization that has operational areas outside the charity and volunteer community, I needed to ensure that the core idea and my calling is represented loud and clear.  To that end, the charity and volunteer aspect of What2do.Live, LLC and the work performed will be referred to as What2do.Live Foundation.  This is in name only at the moment, to help me separate the ideas while I am developing the back end (too much scope creep otherwise) and to relay information to all of you.  Eventually I see What2do.Live Foundation as a wholly financed by the larger What2do.Live entity, but still too early to make any distinction other than to help separate the two ideas.

Any questions, feel free to contact me, jandrews {at}

Please visit my GoFundMe page, I’m looking to spend full time to get this off the ground, but I also need to ensure the lights stay on, thank you!




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